Solar Church Solutions

Venice, FL – Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice 22.23kW PV Solar Electric System
Solar for churches icon


From cutting costs in utility bills to being an environmental steward of the world, it's no secret as to why Solar is gaining popularity, as witnessed by Pope Benedict's recent position on climate change as a moral issue.. Harrimans is adept at working with local religious institutions and their congregation members in achieving their Solar Power goals!

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Installing Solar Power makes a strong statement to the community that you care about climate change and are taking action now and every day to lower your church's carbon footprint with clean, renewable Solar Power. Reducing your reliance on fossil fuels speaks volumes to the wider community that you are a modern church that cares about not only the community, but the world as a whole.

Customer review iconSt. Anne of Grace church solar installation

"We were impressed by Harrimans' experience with other non-profit organizations and that they were state certified electrical and solar contractors. Their track record speaks for itself"
- Elizabeth Walker, Church Elder

Unitarian Universalist solar installation